Our routine has gotten rather dull lately. The ole' coloring/stacking-blocks/chasing-puppy routine couldn't last forever, so I've started researching some fun artsy things that we could do. Thanks to my dear friend Anne who posted a link on Facebook to
The Imagination Tree last week, I am full of new ideas to try. This was our fist attempt with edible paint and it went fairly well... all things considered.
(I didn't take pictures of the earliest stages, because I didn't think I was going to blog about it. Sorry)
All the recipes for paint that I saw included a cup of corn-starch and boiling water, and frankly that is a lot of work and I'm not sure I have the drive to actually do all that nonsense, so I decided to go a slightly different rout: Jello instant pudding. I followed the directions, divvied it up into cups and mixed in food coloring.
The pudding was naturally yellow, so it threw off the color mix a little. Also, I seem to have lost the red food coloring, which I find suspicious. |
Next, most important step, was to find an appropriate canvass
Bathtub! I wiped it down with a towel, but I keep it pretty clean so I wasn't too worried. |
And then we got to work! Emma had no problem figuring it out.
We had fun... as you can see.
Mommy's contribution |
"This is fun!" |
I no longer fear pesky stains now that I have my new bff, OxyClean! |
Modern artist in the making |
Of course, it was all over when she realized I had used pudding... |
It wasn't that successful. It didn't coat well, or at least it didn't get dry enough to because after 20 minutes, Emma started eating it. And then there was the whole eating it problem, which could have created a sugar rush, but (thank goodness) it didn't. I suppose next time I'll have to try using corn starch.
Then it was bath time. |
We had a blast, though, and that's what really matters. I'm looking forward to trying more new projects, because (honestly) the crayon/sticker combo is really messing up my decor. :)
This is always the best part. Giggles! |
My mom used to do this for us with my dad's shaving cream! Good memories! -christy